May 30, 2014

Watching too much Porn makes Men to behave abnormal and stupid

Watching porn shrinks men's brains and makes them stupid 
Heavy use of pornographic material can make men stupid, apparently.
New research suggests that men’s brains shrink as a result of watching too much adult material.
German researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development found that men who watch a lot of porn tend to have smaller striatum.

May 24, 2014

10 Reasons Why You Will Never Become Rich

reasons why you can never get wealthy 

Being wealthy means different things to different people. But according to the experts, there are financial mistakes many people make that keep them away from their possible wealth. this are few reasons why you will never become rich.

May 17, 2014

How to Become Good Actor and be Famous” – Desmond Elliot Reveal


Desmond Elliot The popular filmmaker took to twitter few minutes ago, to drop few words of advice for up and coming actors on how to become a good actor. According to Desmond, to make a successful actor, you must first ask yourself why you want to make films, the answer and motive will reveal how successful your career will be.

May 16, 2014

10 habits to help you lose weight

Move as much as you can in the office
Instead of pinging your colleague sitting a few seats away on online messenger, get up and walk up to them to talk. These little movements count a lot in the long-term especially if the nature of your job restricts any movement.

April 18, 2014

Girls Note : All men are not the same!!!

Why Women Should Know That Not All Men Are the Same
Ask any woman who has had some bad relationship, her opinion about all men. I’m sure you will not hear anything positive about men. Some ladies who have experienced bad dating or bad relationship will tell you, that all men are goat.. What!. And they are ready to prove that to you if you care to see the proven fact in their possession.
But can this be true that all men are the same? Obviously not, all men are not the same, although it is often said that, there are many boyfriends material and very few husbands material. Most guys are just out there to test the water but that doesn’t mean all of the guys are the same unserious set of human being, which wanted to just be in relationship and see how it looks like.